Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Orange kitty - hooded and dangerous

We had the privilege of having the lovely orange kitten visiting us again this weekend. He was here for the whole weekend. On Friday night we had a Della around for tea. Whilst my husband was preparing tea - I did help, (which was fantastic and scrumptious mini pizzas) we (Della and I) had the wonderful idea of putting the orange kitty into M's hood. We put him in and he stayed there for ages. Long enough for us to get a photo of him sitting there in wonder and confusion.
After about 2-3 minutes orange kitty decided he had had enough and proceeded to reach his sharp claws up onto M's shoulder's. M let out a screech of pain while we rescued him and took the orange kitty out of M's hood.

We found out that the orange kitty has a name. His name is Harry - after Prince Harry.