Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A very weird dream

Last night I had the strangest dream. Actually I think it was closer to the early morning. Anyway...

My dream:

I was in a house, it was an odd house. It felt like home to me (in my dream that is but it was not my house at all) and there were these odd hippie type people. I think a man, woman and a child. They all had blonde hair and were into the normal health stuff that hippies are usually into. The house had no power at all. Every thing was either solar powered or just old school type stuff - hole toilet, hand washing type thing. I think there was a commune of hippies living there.
At first it was just me the weird couple, but we didn't talk.
Then more and more people appeared, none of which I knew. We were talking about how good it was to have a house with no power that was free. One person started saying how were we going to survive the hot summer. Someone else suggested solar powered fans which we set about trying to make. I remember trying to put a solar panel on a weird looking fan.
The scene kinda changed and my husband was there. I think we were still at the same commune house place. My parents were also there, but not much apart of the scene, just there. My husband had to drive and get supplies somewhere. I think he was buying food. He was gone a long time. I tried to ring his mobile to see where he was. The phone did not connect, it said the phone was out of range or something. Then a strange thing happened; whilst still on the phone, the call was put through to some woman. She told me that the person who owned this phone was out of range and that their car had a broken oil tube (or something like that). So I decided that my husband was lost and I had no idea where to find him. I talked to my parents about this and we decided to travel up to QLD (where they live) and I would live there. Whilst travelling there, I decided that I had better ring my Mother in law and tell her that M was lost and we couldn't find him. I remember I had the phone number list of family & friends that is actually on my fridge in real life. I was looking at her number and trying to remember it before dialling. I got the phone and tried to dial, then I realised I had forgotten the number and was dialing some random mobile number. I tried again and again to dial and I couldn't. It took me around half an hour to dial the phone number. When I finally got through I told her what had happened, I can't remember her reaction though. I soon woke up after this - I was very freaked out. My husband walked in the door (in real life) from having a shower and I was like I'm scared, hold my hand and I told him about the dream.

Other dreams of note:

I have had a recurring dream where I am climbing on a very steep and narrow cliff near the ocean. Then I fall and I'm fallling....falling....falling and then I hit the water. When I hit the water I wake up for real and sorta hit the ground/bed like I have been falling. It is a very weird feeling. I usually have this dream whilst I am semi-awake, like within 30 min of going to bed. I haven't had it for ages, but at least five times in my life.

Dreams are odd.


Anonymous said...

Hi Kezza,
Read both dreams. Drop by for my exploration for meaning.
(how did you find my site? I'm doing a survey.)