Friday, May 22, 2009

Op-shop update

Remember when I posted about how I totally lost contact with L, the ex op-shop manager. My parents and I were driving along the main street of town and I saw L. I'm like "oh my goodness! We must turn around and I need to say hi." We turn around and go back, park and I jump out of the car. I walk up to L and we greet and hug. She had been meaning to catch up with me and tell me what happened. It turns out she didn't just randomly resign. She was fired! Fired for standing up against something she didn't agree with that the higher up manager people were doing. I can't believe that. Anyway she is suing them for how they treated her (good on her!). She said it's not about the money, but about the principle. We chatted a bit more about other stuff, how we're going to catch up and have each other over for meals etc. We swapped numbers and are going to catch up sometimes soon. I am so grateful that I didn't lose contact with her.
It's all about timing, the worked out right.
L is one of those people I really click well with.
I was so excited when I saw her and so glad that we could catch up.