Monday, May 19, 2008


I am a rather passionate person, however I find my passion comes in bursts and then slowly ebbs away. I am not talking about physical passion, I am talking about passion for life and for various things/hobbies in life. I have so many ideas and goals for my life, then I get overwhelmed i.e. my last post and am not quite sure where I am at. Then I feel really passionate about one or two things, at this stage it is sewing and working on my book of Poems (due out soon - hopefully). Then it goes away somewhat and I find a new thing that I am passionate about. At the moment it is myself and my husband's travel plans to the UK (at the end of next year so far). I am super excited about it and there is so much to plan and lots of money to save up too. We are hoping to live there for two years working full time and traveling when we can. I want to see the house my Dad grew up in in Switzerland, the house is apparently 300-400 years old and three stories. Sounds fascinating to me. I am also excited about using my Swiss citizenship for traveling. I have always used my Australian citizenship and now I will finally get to use my Swiss citizenship.

Back to passions. I am passionate about making this trip happen. I have always wanted to travel, see the world and experience new cultures, like really experience them. Not just get the tourists view of the culture.

I am afraid to say that my passions do not always include the people/things that they should, like my husband, God, family. I get too distracted sometimes by the flashingness of life and get really drawn in. It is hard not to sometimes; I like interesting things and to me these things are interesting. defines passionate as: having, compelled by, or ruled by intense emotion or strong feeling; fervid and also intense or vehement, as emotions or feelings. That about describes what I go through each time I have a passionate stage of a various interest in my life.
I like feeling passionate about something, it makes me feel way more empowered than if I were just doing something because I had to.