Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Donnie Darko - Mad World

Whilst listening to Mad World from the movie Donnie Darko I am reminded of the fascinating filming from Donnie Darko. It is an interestingly odd movie that I felt drawn to and also frightened by. The strange, odd characters that appear in almost normal situations throughout the movie and yet the movie isn't normal at all. I felt intrigued by Donnie Darko, who like the name suggests is a dark, twisted and confused individual who doesn't know really what is going on and yet at the same time he does. I was also confused by this movie, time seems to go on and on in a circle that doesn't end. Yet it does end. Frank the Rabbit is of course the scariest character of all, he is real, yet he isn't. Frank the Rabbit wears a strange and scary Rabbit suit that looks like the Rabbit from hell. He visits Donnie, tells him things from the future, teaches him about time travel and tells him to do crazy things that often result in consequences.

I think the song Mad World, best describes the movie, Donnie just seems to be going nowhere and in the end he ends up nowhere. At the end its like the future never happened and he is now free.

I didn't particularly like the movie, but at the same time I was drawn into the story. It reminds me of Alice in Wonderland a little bit. There is a rabbit, weird things happen and time goes strange. Maybe its a teenage version of Alice in Wonderland.

I think my favourite character was Roberta Sparrow, the little old lady that stands in the road every day, all day waiting for the letter that never comes. She is in some ways the heart of the story, as she wrote the book that Donnie is reading about time travel. She seems interesting in a strange way also. I can relate to her though, sometimes I feel as I am constantly waiting for my letter to come and it never does.