Friday, June 27, 2008

Time stealers!!!

There are certain people in our society that steal time; I am talking about telephone sales people that randomly ring up trying to sell some load of crap to me that I do not give a care about and they talk incessantly so I can not say anything to get rid of them (viruses!!). I have had a few such experiences over the weeks/months and I am beginning to hate them. Firstly I am usually in the middle of doing something important or time consuming, like cooking, or trying to do an assignment. As soon as I hear that it's one of 'them' I tune out and start doing things that I can do whilst on the phone, like fold clothes or close the curtains or whatever you can do whilst on the phone and not listening. I then try to look for a spot of silence in the space of incessant and annoying talking that I do not care about to tell them that I am not interested and to STOP wasting my time. They really are time wasters. How do I deal with someone who is first and foremost rude to me and inconsiderate of my time and what I was doing and has no respect for me as a person? All they want is my money (when I have hardly any anyway & certainly not for the likes of them)! How rude!!! It really annoys me and I wish they would just go away and never come back.
It makes me angry that they take advantage of me and push me around because they know that I don't really care and just want them to go away. I feel kinda happy when after 20 minutes of listening to some piece of rubbish about what I can get if I do whatever, I simply tell them 'No I am not interested' and hang up. I feel glad that I wasted their time and they didn't get anything because I said no. But I still wish that I did not have to deal with such annoying people who are leeches.

I feel better I have had my rant.